martedì 23 febbraio 2016


Forse la verdura invernale per eccellenza, quella che devi aspettare la prima gelata perchè sia migliore. Certo questo è un inverno anomalo, di gelate ce ne sono state veramente poche, volendo rispettare la tradizione avremmo rischiato di dimenticarci l'intenso gusto della verza.
Nella casa dei miei genitori di verza ne ho mangiata poca, quindi per trovare una ricetta regionale ho dovuto spulciare tra i miei libri di ricette e ho scelto questa.

(dal libro La Cucina Regionale dell'Emilia-Romagna con qualche modifica nella quantità degli ingredienti e nei tempi di cottura)

Per 6 pacchettini

6 foglie grandi di verza
L'interno di mezza verza
120 g di polpa di pomodoro
100 g di salsiccia
80 g di guanciale (in sostituzione del lardo)
50 g di Parmigiano grattugiato
1 grattata di noce moscata
1 uovo
1 ciuffo di prezzemolo
Mezza cipolla
Sale e pepe

Lavate e sbollentate le foglie grandi di verza, sgocciolatele e asciugatele su un canovaccio.
Tagliate l'interno della verza a pezzi e adagiateli in una casseruola coprendo con acqua salate, lasciate sobbollire per 40 minuti. Sgocciolate la verza, strizzatela, tritatela e ponetela in una terrina.
Amalgamate la verza con la salsiccia sbriciolata, il guanciale sminuzzato, il Parmigiano, la noce moscata, l'uovo, il prezzemolo tritato e circa 2 cucchiai di pangrattato, dovete ottenere un impasto consistente ma morbido, salate e pepate.
Dividete l'impasto in 6 mucchietti sistemandoli al centro delle foglie sbollentate, chiudetele come dei pacchettini con spago da cucina.
Affettate la cipolla e fatela appassire in una noce abbondante di burro, adagiatevi i pacchettini di verza e cuoceteli per 15 minuti, voltateli, aggiungete la polpa di pomodoro e continuate la cottura per 10 minuti.

Con questa ricetta partecipo all'evento dell'Italia nel piatto dedicato alle verdure invernali

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    1. Grazie Elena!!! Avevo perso l'abitudine di pubblicare, tanto che avevo dimenticato di inserire la foto del pacchettino aperto!

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    In the first half of this decade satta King online games have won a number of awards, including the Aurora Award for Best Internet Game. And satta is one of the most popular. The concept of satta is simple: you are given a matching square with two answers on each side. If you click on one of the choices your name appears and you move on to the next choice. If you click twice your name will be shown again and so on.
    This type of game has caught on with the gaming public. As a matter of fact, satta result puzzle websites continue to grow at a very rapid rate. Each month hundreds of new satta result games are added to the available selections. If you want to play a satta game, you simply log on to your satta result site and click on one of the many satta games that are available. You may even register as a satta master and compete with others in the same niche.
    While satta online games are a fun way to pass some time, they are no way to pass an exam. Remember, nothing in life is guaranteed. Anything can happen. So why take a chance? Play satta result puzzle games as a test of your knowledge and improve your chances of passing that exam. There are several satta result puzzle games available Satta king Online that can help hone your critical thinking skills.
    If you haven't played satta results before, start off by choosing one of the many satta result games available online. Read about how the game is played, and about the different types of questions it requires you to answer. Most satta results are based on logical problems, so you should choose a game that uses logic.

    There are many satta results online that are based on a simple problem-solving game. For example, the game is "uce and raise the blindfolded man". In this satta, players have to solve a Rubik's cube without seeing any of the edges. Players have to use all their senses in trying to solve this satta. As you go through the satta, you will notice that the first few times you will get stuck, and you might be forced to ask for assistance.
    As you play online satta result puzzles, you will find that most of them require you to answer basic questions first before you move to more difficult ones. Try to familiarize yourself with all the types of satta results. Once you know what type of satta you are playing, try to think of some riddles that will help you satta. As long as you can think of something that will help you Satta king Result well, then you can definitely get a fast and easy result.
    The best thing about satta result play online is that it does not require you to purchase any satta, making it very economical. Aside from being an inexpensive source of entertainment, satta result puzzles can also give you relaxation. You can satta while your brain processes all the answers to a math problem. This will give you mental relaxation and help you satta much easier.
    Another great thing about satta result play online is that they can be very interactive. In the past, people were required to sit down in front of a computer in order to enjoy a good game of solitaire. With satta result puzzles, you can play online and get a more interactive experience. Some of these games will even let you Satta king Result while you are viewing the answers to a problem. This will ensure that you satta much easier and more fun.
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